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Writer's pictureSofia Pfaffl

My TV Anthology

Updated: Aug 9, 2020

As an aspiring Television Producer/Showrunner, I am a very avid television watcher. My favorite hobby is sharing all of the brilliant, funny, mind-boggling shows with my friends and family. I especially love to sit them down and talk about every single little snippet of the show and why it is incredible and important to the plot. Sometimes it is more entertaining to watch them watch the show, taking in all of their reactions, but I understand that can be the most annoying thing in the world. I'm always asked for show recommendations and I love making lists and sharing the next thing to watch so I decided to make a collection of television shows.

TV Show Anthology

By Genre

The following link has the entire anthology in it - 38 pages to be exact.

The dramas included are Drama, Thriller/Crime/Mystery, Horror, Reality/Documentary, Comedy/Sit-Com, and Fantasy/Sci-Fi.

Of course, I include a list of shows that I do NOT recommend but to each their own.

I am sure you will be able to find something from this list in any category you like.

Some of my ratings are more towards my level of enjoyment instead of the quality and vice versa.

I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time on this so I hope you enjoy the list and let me know what shows you find and love!

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