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Writer's pictureSofia Pfaffl

EnTangled in Quarantine

For those of us that wanted to live out our Disney princess dreams, well, congrats, we are stuck in the castle just like Rapunzel. We are caught and Tangled in quarantine.

In the Disney movie, Tangled, Rapunzel's mother has kept her locked in a tower all of her life. She spends every day alone, but instead of sulking in a corner or complaining all over social media, as many have done during our world's current state, she decided to make something of her life. She still fostered some joy every single day. We should all be finding something that makes us happy and checking in on others. While the world seems to be an inch from falling off the edge into apocalyptic doom, there is still a lot to be grateful for and we must make the most of every day.

Rapunzel's song "When Will My Life Begin" has been playing on a loop in my head for the past few days. While she does all of these productive things, she is still wondering when she can get out and start her life adventure - girl same. She must be the most relatable character today with everything going on. Along with Rapunzel, I bet we have all developed more empathy and understanding for prisoners and captive animals.

What is really creepy is the kingdom in Tangled is called Corona. Rapunzel has spent her whole life quarantined and social distancing in a tower away from Corona as we have done with our Corona(virus.)

While Rapunzel's mom had ulterior motives for keeping her locked away, we should now take her advice and stay home. 'Mother does know best.' Let's protect ourselves and our mothers by following safety guidelines and continuing to quarantine. While many restrictions have been lifted, numbers are rising and soon we will be back to square one right where we were in March. Even if your state is open, you should still be proceeding with caution.

This week, I was going to continue my path of eating healthy, working out, and tracking my daily goals. Yet, sometimes life has other plans for you and you have two options: 1. Fight against it and remain miserable as you dream about your failed original plans or 2. Just go with it.

Like Rapunzel, I chose option 2. After being determined COVID-19 negative last week and getting retested recently, I am unsure about the current state of my health, but two positive family members and the cold symptoms that have circulated through the house have my family on lockdown for an ambiguous amount of time. I have had many emotions run through me this past week as I have been confined to my bedroom.

It took me a long time to disembark the "blame train" and realize that this is something we all might go through no matter how hard we worked at following all of CDC's safety rules. Since then, I have discarded my humiliation and shame the negative stigma of being in a COVID-19 positive household has brought me. It is not something we could control. Yet, we can control our emotions and reactions. We can control how we handle this and how we let it affect us. We can only go from here and we must go on.

One thing that has strongly affected me as well as others is the social isolation aspect. We humans live and breathe social interaction. Studies show how crucial it is for our mental and physical health. COVID-19 is the antagonist of humans' interactions. It is a very lonely time for all. I write this in my bed, my enclosure for the past 5 days. Luckily, unlike poor Rapunzel, we have modern technology to keep us connected. We have the choice to call or text a loved one and stay together during these hard times. Don't forget to call Grandma.

If Rapunzel could quarantine for 18 years in a tower, we can do it for a few more months or however long it takes for the world to get better.

Just fill the time doing stuff you love. Don't let the quarantine slump hit you! Do everything you said you would do if you had more time -- well time is all we have now.

Take some advice from Rapunzel:

"And so I'll read a book/ Or maybe two or three/ I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery/ I'll play guitar and knit/ And cook and basically/ Just wonder when will my life begin?"

If we follow restrictions and try our best to wear masks and social distance, we can, "at last, see the light."

Remember to stay positive (mindset) but negative (test results).

My quote of the day: "Soon, when all is well, you're going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad that you never gave up." - Brittany Burgunder

So don't give up! Just go with it and see the good you may bring out of the bad.

Hey, if Rapunzel can meet the love of her life in quarantine, there is hope for us all! You never know when you may find your Flynn Rider.

Comment below a positive thing you have done during quarantine to keep you going! I have been reading a few books and binge-watching some new TV shows.

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