My friend and I have this horrible but addictive hobby of forcing ourselves to complete bad shows. We groan and complain to each other but we secretly know it is our little guilty pleasure that brings us joy from making fun of something so ridiculous. When my family asks me why we watch it, we say we have no clue why we are torturing ourselves, but we quietly sip our drinks as we know we want to take in every minute.
As quarantine has created a lot of downtime, we thought it was the perfect time to finish 13 Reasons Why as season 4, thankfully the final season, just came out recently.
While the show has a huge controversy surrounding it, season 1 tried to create a strong, important message to help people and prevent suicide, sexual assault, violence, and bullying. Honestly, I enjoyed season 1. Yet, each season, the show went farther and farther from the main message. The show wasn't about helping people anymore, it was about 'what's the most flashy, shocking thing we can throw in this episode to keep the viewer's interest.' The show became a mockery. It didn't help people or teach valuable lessons. It went way off base.
My friend and I stumbled through season 2 which still covered the Hannah story and focused on the court trials. We thought that the story would wrap up after the trial ended and Hannah could rest in peace... well no. We trudged through season 3, dying, thinking it was the worst season we watched. Like Clay, we thought 'it has to get better.' Well, Clay, you were so very wrong.
- Don't Read Ahead -- SPOILER ALERT -
If you watched the show or haven't and just don't care to punish yourself like we did, here is a list of why seasons 3 and 4 SUCKS!
Okay, there are definitely more than 13 reasons but I wanted to stick to the '13' theme in the title.
The bullying just stops? The first 2 seasons were all about how the bullying at the school was a HUGE problem for everyone! But then in season 4, two gay boys win Prom King and Queen and everyone is just cool with it? They had two bullies die and bullying is magically gone?? I mean good for the school but I cannot believe they all changed so fast
The students protesting security cameras and SROS?? Which mostly every school has and probably needs to keep us safe but them not protesting the school allowing rape and suicide and not having stricter bullying and fighting measures!? Or protesting the racism the officer had against Diego?
The fast romances?? Winston was in love with Monty and Alex? Alex and Charlie are in love? How long were they all together? It seemed like only 1 night with Winston and Monty and one week with him and Alex but I guess you cannot control how fast you fall in love -- or with who for that matter
Ani -- enough said -- season 3 caused so much hate for the character the poor actress had to delete her social media to escape all the hate -- maybe they should have slowly put her in the show and not just made her a main character and narrator who knew ALL of the secrets and was in everyone's business
Redeeming rapists???? Season 3 completely redeems Bryce and then season 4 with Monty -- yes, everyone is human and can have a good side and may deserve some rights but why make us feel bad for their actions -- why make them better people -- it can show that people can change and learn from their mistakes but it can be SO offensive to many sexual assault victims
The school shooting drill with no warning!! HOW UNETHICAL AND IMMORAL! Is that legal?! When I tell you I was PISSED!!! They freaked out the students so much that something REALLY bad could have happened - even worse than how Clay reacted
Them all getting into Ivy Leagues after everything!!! HOW!!?? How many students from public schools get into Ivy Leagues? These students barely went to class or did homework. How would they have time to do anything and be A+ students in all of these extracurriculars during suicide, rape, trials, protests, gun violence, romance, death, murder, cover-up... it doesn't make sense! Maybe some of them could get in but most to all of them got into REALLY good schools!!
The students not getting expelled or arrested more -- HOW!? You got expelled from my school if you threw a punch. They have done SO many things that would get you suspended, expelled, and arrested -- and STILL, they got into GREAT colleges!?
Why wouldn't Clay write his essay on how he overcame a friend's suicide and decided it is so important to help other people with sexual assault and bullying and how he has protected and taken care of his friends and vowed to help anyone in a time of need - a story of resilience and redemption that could have summed up the whole message in the tv show -- NOW THAT is an award-winning college essay -- but Ani wrote it about robots and he STILL got into Brown University, an ivy league with an 8.5% acceptance rate.
Them forgetting Hannah season 4 and most of 3 ... maybe said her name once -- I understand that you cannot focus on one person's death your whole life and need to try to move on and focus on your life somehow but the whole point of the show was Hannah's suicide
The random horror story episode in season 4 -- why was the camping episode so weird and awkward? -- they completely switched genres
Clay's weird Sci-Fi Futuristic dream they just put in there
No medical help for Clay's mental illness? If Clay is dissociating, he needs serious, immediate medical attention -- not just talking to a therapist -- when he told his family about it they said "Ohhhh Clay" and then moved onto Justin's drug relapse - he was hospitalized after the school shooting incident but why not after he came into the police station saying he had a gun -- yes he was grief-stricken but he still needs help especially after the death in season 4 more than ever -- Also, how was it just okay that he escaped the hospital and everyone was cool with it? He went to his therapists who helped him but then his parents just picked him up and never talk about it again
Forcing the gays in the end -- we knew Alex was gay from the start but it all seemed so rushed in the last season and what was going on with Zach? Did Zach have feelings for Alex at all vice versa because it seemed like it even when he denied it?
How was Jess getting info from Diego? She acted like she was using him for information but we never saw that and she never really got anything out of him -- she really just liked him
The cliffhangers at the end of episodes were just ignored in the next episode like they didn't happen -- I guess it was to keep the suspense and viewers watching but hellooo, are we going to talk about the car crash and they are just fine?? Or how about the gun deal and someone is shot but it is just ignored next episode
Lack of parental control and care -- they try but is it enough?? and then spying on their phones all the time -- I'm confused -- plus when Clay followed his parents and found it out, I thought it would be a huge plot point but they brushed it aside since others had more to worry about
Characters disappearing without warning like Sheri... She was really important in helping the boys find the Clubhouse in season 2 but she wasn't there for Jessica in the finale when all the other characters were there and she wasn't there when they danced with Clay -- it felt odd like they were missing someone crucial and then she disappears with no word as if she never existed
Killing off the best character? Purpose???? He has HIV/AIDS out of nowhere and they really rushed/forced it. Clay just had one happy thing in life and Justin finally declared his unDYING love for Jessica -- he was going to be clean, play football in college, marry, and be the uncle to Clay's kids
Where was Child Protective Services for Justin?? Why all through his life no one helped him? People had to know! What did the school think? Bryce took care of him so his parents must know why didn't they step in?
Where was Zach's mom throughout his season 4 attitude? How was no one helping him? She was so strict and protective in the first seasons! What was his deal??? Does he feel guilty -- more than the others? -- he found out he wasn't the main murderer. They never had a full circle or arc for him. Why does he not like Jess as Justin said?
Where’s Ani during Justin’s death? Everyone is in the hospital but her?
As much as I ripped on seasons 3-4 of the show, it was an enjoyable experience to watch with my friend and talk all about it. Although I didn't like season 4, my friend and I were still balling like babies at the series finale.
The show is a conversation-starter and maybe it will still find a way to open communication and help people. Yet, I feel like I expected more for the final seasons. I recommend it if you are looking for one of those so-terrible-it's-fun shows, otherwise, in the words of Clay:
Comment below your thoughts on the show's final seasons! What frustrated you the most or what did you like?